Devizes Corn Exchange

Devizes Corn Exchange is an interesting venue and one which Mynt Image hade been looking at introducing into their portfolio for several years. With Devizes recently undergoing redevelopment and plans in place for the redevelopment of the town centre area opposite the Corn Exchange, this now seems to be the perfect opportunity to become part of the community of what is rapidly becoming a thriving historic town. The Council is investing heavily in the town, raising its profile and looking to enhance it as a retail centre. We are glad to be involved in these plans.


We have now had 3 successful years at this location and the town have welcomed our events. Spending is usually very good at this event and we have had at least 1 stallholder selling in excess of £1000. Sales of over £300 are regular especially in the Summer months with many tourists and visitors around.

Devizes is a market town at the western end of The Vale of Pewsey and has a small and steady economy, mainly made up of manufacturing, retail, services and a growing amount of tourism. Devizes has always been a market town and the market square exists today with the Corn Exchange situated overlooking the Market Square. The town attracts tourists due to its closeness and proximity to Avebury, Stonehenge and Salisbury. Devises is a favourite drop off place for tourist coaches visiting the area. Devises really is a historic town with over 500 listed buildings.

The Ceres Hall is a large, light and attractive ground floor hall, a perfect venue for our markets. Before entering the large main hall we also have use of the large spacious foyer area, giving us additional space and creating a vibrant entrance to the main hall. Loading and unloading will be right outside the Corn Exchange, with cars then being asked to park in one of the nearby public car parks which are within an easy walk. 


Our footfalls at Devizes are good. Our active marketing almost always produces footfalls of between 500 and 700  (Figures do not include children or dogs) allowing stallholders plenty of opportunities of achieving some very good sales. Sales of over £1000 have been achived although at most events top sales of £600+ are regular with most stallholders achieving between £150 and £400.

To make a booking please check the availabilty below and fill our application form at the bottom of the page. Once the form has been submitted we will be able to process your details and send you the relevant paperwork including an invoice and our terms and conditions (these can also be found by clicking here!

Table Fee

Open Hours

Public Entry Cost



Totally free (like all of our events)

For help finding the venue please visit the 'Finding the Devizes Corn Exchange' page by clicking here!

Availability - 2025

Date  Stall Spaces Jewellery Spaces Candle Spaces
22nd March 18 0 2
7th June 21 0 2
5th July 21 0 2
6th September 19 0 2
4th October 15 0 0
8th November 16 0 1

Application Form

You will only be able to fill the forms from a computer, laptop or tablet and not a mobile phone (with some exceptions)

If there is no form displayed above this notice then please access this page from a different device.

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© Mynt Image Ltd

We are located at:

Mynt Image Ltd

5 Marigold Close


PO15 5HF


VAT Number 444 4903 90

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or enqueries, please contact us:

07522 523519

Office hours;

Sunday 10am - 2pm

Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm

Friday 9am - 4pm

