Romsey Town Hall

Mynt Image are pleased to announce that we have managed to acquire the use of the town hall in Romsey for a 5th year in 2023 following the huge success of this market in recent years. Working with the town council we aim to provide the market town of Romsey and its inhabitants with an additional community event.  Since 2019 we have been really impressed with this venue and the sales that it can producen as well as the warm welcome given us by many of the inhabitants of Romsey. 

This market exceeded our expectations at each event, with a much bigger series of footfalls and some amazing spending per customer. Yes, it is a climb up to the 2nd floor hall that we use, but it really has been worthwhile for both stall holders and customers. The addition of a lifet (see below) has aided our stallholders greatly. Mynt Image in 2023 will continue to assist stall holders in accessing the hall and will help move possessions/products as soon as possible (normally after 8.45am). Although the 2nd floor hall does still dissuade a very few customers from attending the event, once into the events, customers really do spend well, perhaps because they have made the effort to get into the hall. Romsey in 4 years, has catapaulted itself into one of our top 5 events and we expect full markets at each event we are running in 2023 due to the reputation it has already achieved amongst those stall holders who tried it.


Installation of a lift!

In spring 2021, the installation of a lift between the ground and 2nd floor was successfully completed. It is now possible to avoid carrying products up the flights of stairs, which may have caused problems for some stall holders.

In view of this, our markets will now ONLY be held on the 2nd floor hall as from July 2021. The lift is easily accessible to customers and made the upstairs hall much more attractive to customers at our July event at this popular location.


The Town Hall is close to the central area of Romsey town, and provides an ideal location for the dynamic marketing style of a Mynt Image Craft and Gift market. The hall is located adjacent to the entrance to Romsey Abbey, in the summer months a real tourist and local attraction.  Tables will be supplied at Romsey, there will be 27 tables/stalls.  We use the second floor hall which is fully accessible by lift. We advise all stall holders to travel light, but we can assure you that the climbing of the stairs will be worth it. Unloading and loading are adjacent to the property itself. Please read our Romsey reports from 2019/2020/2021/22 if you need any more information on just how successful these events have already become.


In 2022 we achiveed footfalls of between 596 and 970 adults at this excellent venue. The people of Romsey and visitors to Romsey, certainly like quality products and the cafe culture of Summer in Romsey has greatly helped our events. Romsey is a very wealthy area and adjacent to the New Forest, attract a great many tourists looking for gifts and souveniers.

Romsey can be especially lucrative in the Summer with many stallholders making £300+ and one making almost £1000 in 2022.

To make a booking please check the availabilty below and fill our application form at the bottom of the page. Once the form has been submitted we will be able to process your details and send you the relevant paperwork including an invoice and our terms and conditions (these can also be found by clicking here!

Table Fee

Open Hours

Public Entry Cost

£39 Mar-Oct / £42 Nov-Dec


Totally free (like all of our events)

For help finding the venue please visit the 'Finding the Romsey Town Hall' page by clicking here!

Availability - 2025 

Date  Stall Spaces Jewellery Spaces Candle Spaces
26th April 19 2 3
31st May 17 1 3
26th July 20 4 3
30th August 20 2 3
6th December 13 0 3

Application Form

You will only be able to fill the forms from a computer, laptop or tablet and not a mobile phone (with some exceptions)

If there is no form displayed above this notice then please access this page from a different device.

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© Mynt Image Ltd

We are located at:

Mynt Image Ltd

5 Marigold Close


PO15 5HF


VAT Number 444 4903 90

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or enqueries, please contact us:

07522 523519

Office hours;

Sunday 10am - 2pm

Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm

Friday 9am - 4pm

