Thame Town Hall

Thame Town hall is another of the venues we have used consistently since Mynt Image started providing Craft and Gift markets in Southern England. Thame is one of those venues which proves that a large footfall is not needed to create very good sales. If this wasn’t a good venue for stall holders and had potential to create good sales, we can promise you we would not still be using it.

Thame is a delightful Oxfordshire market town just 12 miles from Oxford. The Town hall is an imposing building right in the heart of the historic town. Thame is rapidly becoming a tourist venue, the town hall being regularly used in Midsommer Murders and tourists being bussed in to enjoy this picturesque Oxfordshire market town.

The Town Hall is centrally located in the town and opposite the passageway leading to the Waitrose store and car park. Thame has a multitude of specialist shops from independent butchers, bakers to guitar repairs and sales. The population of Thame and surrounding villages are notably affluent with many famous people, BBC presenters, film and sports personalities living and shopping locally. The people of Thame spend well in our markets, as do the visitors to Thame, our markets now accepted as part of the community and to be welcomed and enjoyed.

This market is on the 1st floor of the Town hall. There are stairs and a modern lift serving the hall and making access to the hall easy for both stall holders and members of the public. Unloading is right next to the Town Hall, with cars then being parked in a large and very affordable car park just a few minutes walk away. The market seems to attract good numbers of families as well as more mature people. Customers numbers are NOT reduced by utilisation of a 1st floor hall, especially due to the active marketing techniques which we employ at all of our markets.


Customers really don’t need a great deal of encouragement to visit this delightful market. Spending at Thame, for some reason, is always better at Thame in the afternoon, with the last hour being especially good. Several stall holders have achieved sales of £700+ at this delightful Oxfordshire venue with sales of nearly £900 being achieved by onbe stallholder on 2022. Footfalls seem to be gradually increasing at this venue back to Pre-covid numbers and sometimes far more. Thame appears to be a town that is  in its ascendancy and seems to be attracting more visitors and tourists than it did prior to recent years.

To make a booking please check the availabilty below and fill our application form at the bottom of the page. Once the form has been submitted we will be able to process your details and send you the relevant paperwork including an invoice and our terms and conditions (these can also be found by clicking here!

Table Fee

Open Hours

Public Entry Cost



Totally free (like all of our events)

For help finding the venue please visit the 'Finding the Thame Town Hall' page by clicking here!

Availability - 2024

Date  Stall Spaces Jewellery Spaces Candle Spaces
23rd March Fully Booked 0 Footfall 461
25th May Fully Booked 0 Footfall 609
20th July Fully Booked 0 Footfall 320
17th August     Footfall 422
7th September 5 0 1
2nd November Fully Booked 0 0
23rd November Fully Booked 0 0

Availability - 2025

Date  Stall Spaces Jewellery Spaces Candle Spaces
19th April 20 1 2
17th May 21 1 2
14th June 23 3 2
6th September 20 2 2
1st November 20 2 1

Application Form

You will only be able to fill the forms from a computer, laptop or tablet and not a mobile phone (with some exceptions)

If there is no form displayed above this notice then please access this page from a different device.

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© Mynt Image Ltd

We are located at:

Mynt Image Ltd

5 Marigold Close


PO15 5HF


VAT Number 444 4903 90

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or enqueries, please contact us:

07522 523519

Office hours;

Sunday 10am - 2pm

Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm

Friday 9am - 4pm

