What our Stallholders say




Lewes October 12th 1024

Just a big thank you to all the organisers - absolutely brilliant. 

See you next month. JLJ


Chichester September 28th & Lyndhurst September 29th

Many thanks to Chichester and Lyndhurst Mynt staff.  We had a lovely time both days and it's so nice that everyone is so helpful and friendly (staff and the other stall holders).  As a weekend we are very happy with our takings. JC


Witney September 21st 2024

I've just got back from the craft market in Witney. What a great day! Good organisation, good footfall, good sales. So thank you. LT


Thame September 7th 2024

A big thank you to Dave and Chris for working so hard today.  It was a sultry day and felt humid upstairs but the music choices were great and helped to distract!
My sales were so much better than this time last year.  I sold lots of Christmas cards too which surprised me! I took £xxx and I am delighted with that.SB


Newbury August 31st 2024

I just wanted to say a huge thank you. Having a second table really helped as I’m finding at the different markets now and it was an amazing day. I can’t believe the sales I achieved - £xxx!! Wow!
Massive thank you to Dave, Steve, Joanne and Terry who were really bringing in the right shoppers. Great day.KB


Lymington & Lyndhurst August Bank Holiday Weekend

Hi George & Sue
It was lovely to see you both this weekend - had a great 3 days so thank you so much for all your hard work ( especially in a very soggy Lymington ) .
Such a friendly atmosphere - I love being part of the Mynt family ! LL


Salisbury August 24th 2024

Thank you to all the people who helped me with loading and unloading, especially in the rain, and packing up afterwards.
I had a really good Sunday, which is not often a good day for me. I think I’ll do more two-day events next year to save on the workload. JP


Many thanks to Keith, Joanne and Terry for their hard work yesterday bringimg people into the Craft Fair.  The weather was awful, they were working in heavy rain for most of the day, yet they remained cheerful and hard working. EH



Hungerford August 3rd

Thanks Sue, so much, for all the work you and your colleagues did today in Hungerford. It was a really bumper day and I took £xxx an amount I have never got anywhere near before today! JG


Thank you so much for such an amazing day on Saturday, it was my best market yet, I surprised myself by how well my products sold on Saturday and I’ve also had a follow up online too. KB



(We love to receive your positive, complimentary and thoughtful comments about Mynt Image, an event company we are proud of creating. Thankfully we receive far more compliments than criticisms)



'I really love your venues, how your staff take care of  the  stallholders and drive the public into the building to hopefully purchase.'



You've created something rather special in Mynt Paul. Talking to some of the other stallholders yesterday we all agreed that the professionalism you and your team have, the welcome and help you give, and the way you encourage shoppers into any of the organised fairs at the Towns I know and others I don't is excellent judging by comments made. The general consensus - not one of the other event companies come anywhere near you. JP



Witney July 27th

Another good day yesterday at Witney, some very talented sellers that I hadn’t met before, and a good crowd of shoppers, plus the gorgeous sunshine… happy days! CP


Cranleigh July 20th

Thanks again to the whole  team who ran Cranleigh yesterday.

Was a good day despite there not being masses of people about. GH


Thame July 20th

Thanks so much - good day on Saturday at Thame which cheered me up xxx CAS


Lymington July 20th

Lymington on Saturday was really good, totally buzzing in the morning.  It slowed down a little in the afternoon but Keith, Karl and your new lady August, did a grand job at encouraging the punters to have a wander around the event.  So, a big thank you to them all. JE


Chichester July 13th

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all the staff at Chichester today.  It's the first time we've had a stall with you and we were very impressed with the friendliness and helpfulness off the Mynt team.  They all worked so hard for us all.  The whole atmosphere between the stallholders was lovely too.We look forward to September when we'll be back. JC


Many thanks to you all for a throughly enjoyable and productive day.

If there is a space in Chichester on 28th September I would love to be included. ST
Hi, I really enjoyed Saturday, it’s been my best market yet and again those last few minutes were really productive: I ended up with 5 sales in the last 15 minutes. KB


Lewes July 6th

Thank you to all your team yesterday at Lewes Town Hall.  It was our first time selling at the venue and both myself and my husband thoroughly enjoyed our time there.  It was great to meet local customers and visitors to Lewes for the festival. 

We made enough sales to cover the cost of our table and the parking which was pleasing, considering the reduced footfall on the day.  It was a lovely atmosphere and nice to chat to the other stallholders between sales.  We are looking forward to our next market at Lewes Town Hall in August. LW


Devizes June 29th


It couldn't have gone worse: very hot weather (so people stay home to have a BBQ), road works, a stabbing and entry roads to Devizes blocked ... but you still managed to get people through the door !!! Your hard work and determination is incredible ... THANK YOU for that ! I had a great day: I made 13 sales and met some really lovely people - customers as well as fellow crafters.Mynt Image - and especially you 2 - are the best of the best. Thank you for all your help today !


Wallingford June 22nd

Please thank George and David for a fantastic job well done today, even though I am sure George would rather have been cuddling little M!  The customers today were so friendly.   Wallingford is a lovely traditional market town and I shall definitely revisit as a ‘tourist’ to explore its history and walks along the river.I am  very pleased with my sales. Thank you Mynt Image team for all your hard work.


Newbury June 15th

Lovely to meet you guys yesterday. You did a great job bringing in the all the Visitors.  I had a great time. So thank you. EM


Hungerford June 15th

I had a really enjoyable day today and sales were very good. I also really liked the position of my stall. SP


Romsey June 8th

Many thanks to George and Keith for their hard work on Saturday in Romsey. There weren't many people on the streets in Romsey, probably due to the weather, and they did well to keep a steady stream of customers into the craft fair all day.  We had a fairly good day overall, and there was a good atmosphere in the hall.

Witney June 1st

Thank you so much for having me yesterday - it was so lovely to be a part of such a friendly, vibrant event. You all worked so hard to get an astonishing amount of footfall too!! FS


Chichester June 1st

just to let you know I was very impressed with the organisation of the event, Keith was very professional & friendly.

As it was my first time at your event , I wasn't sure what would tempt your buyers, & I'm happy with the result. DG

Thanks so much for update, had a fair day, footfall was great, Keith was fabulous & all very well organised! Duncan calm & great especially helping load up at end in Lion Street. S

Thame May 25th

my husband David and I thoroughly enjoyed yesterday and thank you for making us feel so welcome.I will definitely book for Thame at some point in the future.On a more personal note, we do wish you all the very best with your treatment to come. VS


Newbury May 25th

Wendy, Steve and Richard did a sterling job yesterday at the Newbury fair. Sporadic footfall as is usual in the Town but those who stopped to buy or just chat were as lovely - as most are at Mynt events.

After a quietish morning I was delighted to make two high end sales just before lunch then several more smaller sales during the afternoon, with others taking my details. JP


Many thanks to Steve and Richard for their efforts to bring people in to the Craft Fair yesterday, difficult when there aren't many people around. There was a really good, friendly atmosphere there, with a good selection of stalls, a few customers commented on this. We had a good day overall, very convenient too having the parking just outside the building! EH


Devizes may 18th

Just a quick thank you to you, Sue and Keith for all your hard work today - really appreciated !

It was my first fair with you and I was really impressed with the excellent organisation.
Looking forward to my next fair
I just wanted to touch base and say thank you for making my first Mynt Market an absolute pleasure to be at. I am a newbie at markets and I’m learning the art of selling but had a great time today
Henley May 18th 2024

Wanted to say a big thank you for my first attempt with you in Henley. George and Ade were so kind helping me with my paraphernalia , and as I had got there nIce and early I was able to bag a disabled space outside the hall for the entire day. It’s a really friendly atmosphere that you have created … I couldn’t be happier. I got a bit of a handle on what might sell in the future, so plenty of work to do in the studio. Although I didn’t make a fortune, i covered my costs (until I went round buying stuff from other stalls!) and got a couple of commissions. I’m very much looking forward to June 15th, and may pop over to the Lyndhurst Community centre next weekend to pick up more tips.




Chichester 11th May 2024

Thank you for letting me sell at this event, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and made about £xx in the end

Keith and Adam were brilliant and were very entertaining, looking forward to coming back

Chichester 11th May 2024

Thank you for organising such a great event! Keith and Adam certainly worked hard at attracting people and my biggest sale of the day came from customers who followed Keith's directions to come and visit.



Guidlford 11th May 2024

Thank you for all your efforts making our first Mynt Image event (Guilford) a success.


Chichester 11th May 2024

Big thank to Keith who kept everyone entertained as he promoted the event. 

Look forward to the next one



Romsey 11th May 2024

Thank you for allowing me to come to the event today. Myself and my auntie felt very welcomed by Karl i believe it was, and the other person who was helping out. I just wanted to send this message just to let you know that i felt very welcomed. 



Salisbury 4th May 2024

I managed to have my best ever event at Salisbury today and broke my record profit outside of Christmas, turning over £xxx after a few late sales. 


Cranleigh April 20th 2024

I just wanted to say I really enjoyed Cranleigh yesterday.

Keith and Peter did a fantastic job at dragging people in despite the circumstances! Looking forward to my next event with you on Saturday :-)


Newbury April 20th 2024

I do appreciate all the hard work your guys put in yesterday. It was well organised.



Guildford April 13th 2024

Really appreciate you and your wife’s hard work before, on and after the event. 

A & R TH


Sales were disappointing but I could not fault your approach - it’s fantastic. Guess it just goes like that sometimes! I def think the weather and the grand national didn’t help!
I also some wonderful other sellers and had a very enjoyable time. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for any cancellations as I know they go fast! 
I just wanted to let you know that I’ve had two confirmed commissions (a total of x2 necklaces and x2 sets of earrings) as a direct result of the market on Saturday in Guildford! 


Abingdon April 13th 2024

I had a good day at Abingdon and made around £xxx which is my second best at Abingdon out of the three and I’m looking forward to being their again later in the year.
Marlborough April 13th 2024
We cannot just stand say ‘wrong market’ we have to be right for the market.Thank you to Steve and Ade for their efforts but it was a difficult day and they did their utmost.And thank you Mynt Image. I will be keeping my eyes open for cancellations

Hungerford April 6th

I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your efforts at the April event. I really did enjoy it and learnt so much which will help me next time I hope. 



Witney April 6th

I just wanted to Thankyou and your team for their hard work on Saturday at Witney. Although, as you say, there were not the numbers I’d hoped for, the team worked SO HARD to get as many people as they could through the door. I also so appreciated their help packing up all my paintings and helping me with them up and down the stairs to the car. An amazing team ?



Personally I was really happy, I’m new to craft markets starting just before Christmas last year, Saturday was my 5th market, the first with Mynt Image, and my most successful one yet! I had lovely feedback too which is always useful for future ideas, several more followers on my Instagram page, and I always walk around and chat to the sellers which I find really useful for ideas and other market venues.

The market was well organised with excellent communication beforehand which is so important, and your tea & biscuit trolly a lovely bonus! Thanks very much and I will certainly be attending your markets again.
Just wanted to say a massive thank you to the Mynt Image Team today!  


Henley March 30th

It was my first ever craft fair and we made over £xxx so I am very pleased with the result. I learnt a lot from potential customers and will make some improvements for the next craft fair. Thank you so much again for such a brilliant event!



Lyndhurst 4 day event March 29th - April 1st

A big thank you to Keith, David and Karl for all their hard work over the four days at Lyndhurst, they are total stars! I enjoyed it!   The camaraderie between the stall holders was really good, friendly, and we could commiserate or rejoice with each other at the end of each day depending on our sales!!     I also need to say a thank you to the lovely ladies who produced some delicious food , we were all very grateful.  And also, to Sue who gives the best hugs.  
See you in a couple of weeks at Romsey, best wishes to all,



Thame March 23rd

I would just like to say a big ‘Thank you’ for the amazing job that you and the team do, trying to bring people into the fair - in all weathers!!


Hungerford March 23rd

We did our first stall here on Saturday. We had a lovely day and met some lovely stall holders and also Karl and June who were very friendly and helpful.



A lovely venue, well organised, well advertised and June and Karl are an absolute joy. Lovely people who worked very hard, in the cold and rain, at getting people in. 



Wallingford March 23rd

Just a quick note to say thank you to George for looking after us so well in Wallingford today. We were really pleased with the way the day went and George was a star!



The event for me personally was the third one I have attended  and I had brilliant sales totally £xxx with a pre order of a product worth £xx to order when it's back in stock. Great day I look forward to the next event



Many thanks to George and Steve for their hard work at Wallingford yesterday. It was cold and very windy, but they worked cheerfully to ensure a steady stream of customers all day right up to 4 o'clock. We didn't know what to expect on the first visit to Wallingford, but it was very positive, with good feedback, lots of interest, and a fair number of sales.





Guildford March 16th

Thanks for the great effort in Guildford on Saturday.



I just wanted to send over a big thank you for the warm welcome at our first market in Guildford. Paul and Sue were wonderful, and with their support we blew our expectations out of the water!



I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your hard work on Saturday in Guildford, it was amazing footfall, especially for March.



Salisbury March 16th

I didn't get to thank Mynt folk before I left. The event was the best run one I have been to and I felt really welcome and supported throughout.



Lymington March 16th

 I was also very grateful to the staff, as always, for working so hard outside all day and they were definitely getting them in which is fab. 




Witney March 9th

 We had a good day although we sold nothing until after midday and finished for what is for us, at a new venue, heading towards £xxx which we were very happy with.
I personally can’t thank George enough for his support





Henley 9th December 2023

This email is to send a big thank you to you and your team for all your help organising so many events over the year!

George and his sister were great this Saturday at Henley, and all the events at Mynt are always so beautifully organised, with such a positive attitude by your team. 

I appreciate having the opportunity to sell via Mynt and travel around to the different venues and will look forward to returning for more next year. 



Henley 9th December 2023

Just a quick message to thank you for everything yesterday and for making our first experience of working with Mynt Image so enjoyable.
We really enjoyed meeting other traders, seeing their superb range of goods, hearing their experiences and gratefully receiving their valuable tips.
Thanks go to you in particular George, for making us feel so welcome and for all the work you did to bring shoppers in from the very wet streets of Henley to make our day such a success.We're really looking forward to joining you again in March for the Thame Market.
All the best


Thame 9th December 2023

Thank you for today in Thame 

Staff worked really hard, so a big thank you 
Managed £xxx so once again very happy 
Keep up the good work 
Salisbury Friday 8th December

Many thanks to you and Keith for all your hard work yesterday. You encouraged people into the venue, and set the scene, with Christmas music, and a tree!  We're looking forward to working with you all next year.  Until then, Merry Christmas to all at Mynt Image.



Salisbury Saturday 9th December 2023 (As well as Friday and Sunday)

 I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the opportunity to do business in Salisbury. It was truly an amazing experience, and I can't thank you enough for your support. I'm thrilled to share that during the 3 days I spent in Salisbury, I managed to break my sales record! The response from the customers was overwhelming, and it's all thanks to your fantastic location and the support of your team.  I'm already excited about the prospect of expanding my business and reaching even more customers next year! Once again, thank you very much for everything. Your partnership has been instrumental in my success, and I can't wait to continue booking many places with you for 2024!  

Wishing you all the best,



Salisbury Sunday 10th December

I wanted to let you know that we had our best market today this year, bringing home £xxx. We had a couple last minute sales, and even one that was past 4pm and we were trying really hard to help them with their decision making. Thankfully they ended up buying something!  Please send my thanks to Keith, George and Steve for standing out in the rain trying to bring people in! A big bravo to the team.



Devizes 2nd December 2023

Thank you Paul & team. It was a fabulous day. All stall holders were in good spirits with lots of laughter and banter. Thank you to George & co for being out in the freezing cold drumming up customers. 

Have a wonderful Christmas & a happy New year to you all. 

See you next year. 



Dear Paul Bristow and the team at Mynt Image. I wanted to say how much I enjoyed my selling experience at the market in Devizes this past Saturday. I was also pleased with the placement of my stall.
Thank you for a professional and well managed event. 



Romsey 2nd December 2023

Dave and Helen did a great job in getting people in and certainly the numbers were impressive. Considering the weather, a lot of people came through the doors. Helen  was brilliant. She was singing Xmas carols - how dynamic is that?! Several customers told me how great she was with them and their kids and also said how passionate Dave was. Considering how bloody cold it was, they both did brilliantly. Without the dynamic and creative approach, I don’t believe I would have done as well as I did and you would not have seen so many people through the doors. Brilliant work with the door and they both deserve a lot of credit. 



Many thanks to Dave and Helen for their hard work yesterday.  The weather was awful, freezing cold and foggy, yet they were outside all day, working to get people in. They did a fantastic job, and kept cheerful throughout



Thankyou for the Romsey market on Saturday. 

David and Helen did an excellent job. They must have been frozen to the core but remained cheerful and full of enthusiasm, I am sure Helens carol singing gave customers the incentive to climb the stairs. Please pass on our thanks for their efforts in such challenging conditions.



Salisbury Guildhall  Sunday 3rd December 2023

I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible event that recently took place at the Salisbury Guildhall. It was my second time attending an event organized by your esteemed organization, and once again, it left me feeling inspired and motivated to push forward toward my goals.

From the moment I stepped foot into the venue, I could feel the electric atmosphere buzzing with excitement and anticipation. The attention to detail, from the beautifully decorated space to the seamless organization of every aspect of the event, was truly remarkable. It is evident that your team puts their heart and soul into creating an unforgettable experience for all attendees.



Thank you so much for the space at the Salisbury fair - I had my best ever 2 days this weekend and so of course I was delighted, plus there was a really positive vibe from the shoppers and the other stall holders too. 





Guildford November 25th

just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity at the Guildford market yesterday and I really appreciate the space you allocated me. Thank you very much and all the best for the rest of the year!



We attended Friday and Saturdays events in Guildford and wanted to say how very pleased we were with both days. Since starting our new adventure  this was our highest sales to date, paticularly on the Saturday. We also enjoyed the friendly atmosphere from other stall holders and appreciated the efforts considering how cold it was outside. Thank you!



Henley Town Hall November 25th 2023

Thanks for all yours and Sue's effort yesterday at Henley, I had a great time and final figure I just broke the xxx mark! Huzzah!




Salisbury Guildhall November 18th

What a great event. Really good turnout and absolutely buzzing at times!
I loved it all.

Salisbury is a very reliable venue that seldom lets us down



Witney Corn Exchange November 18th

A big thank you to George and David today.  They certainly brought the customers in, so many remarking what a great job they did with their arrows.  I was so relieved that it wasn’t lashing down, in fact it was incredibly mild.  It was hard work today, lots of customers looking but not keen to spend and I am mindful that money is tight for so many.  A maxim never to pack up early- at 16.01 a lady spent £47!  I was very pleased to achieve £xxx, better than I thought.  Thank you once again to Mynt Image.



Thank you again for letting me know when that space became available. I had a successful day so was definitely worth the wait! 

Many thanks again and already looking forward to the December one



Milford on Sea November 18th

My first thank you goes to you and the lovely Sue for all your hard work in that atrocious weather yesterday.  Brave souls, lovely people, thank you. 
My second huge thank you goes to you for encouraging me to attend the Milford on Sea event.   Why haven't I booked before?   A lovely venue, pretty little village.  I am so disappointed that yesterday was my first, only, and obviously last visit to the event!! 
Again, thank you to you both and all the other staff at MYNT. 
It was a great event for me thanks guys! 


Hungerford Town Hall 11th November 2023

Thank you for your help yesterday as always – I doubled my target – wow my best fair anywhere this year.   The thing I always appreciate with the Mynt team is everyone is so helpful.   Since I lost xxxx the going has been tough and does not seem to ease.   The fairs keep me striving to move on and that is what he always wished for me.   Mynt people are always so very kind, and that is so appreciated.



Just wanted to say a massive thank you for yours and Sue's hard work on Saturday. We really appreciate it, and always know when you're working hard there's a lot of customers.

That was my last mynt image fair until next year, so thank you for all your help this year, putting up with my emails and all the hard work you and your team put into each event.
Wishing you all a fabulous Christmas and New Year.



Chichester Assembly Rooms 11th November

Full marks to Keith for a sterling performance at Chichester yesterday. He tells me we had 1200 through which is quite an achievement given he was working single handed. I had an outstanding day, taking £xxx in your terms, 54 books sold in mine. Chichester has yet again proved to be a natural home for what I offer.



Keith did a cracking job of shepherding people through the doors. My spot under the arches was fabulous. I really enjoyed the day, and the takings were pretty good too.


Keith did an absolutely brilliant job, on his own. Please pass our thanks onto him.



Lymington Masonic Hall November 11th 2023
..I wanted to say thank you to George and Karl for all their hard work.  I did extremely well..
It was great for me - I sold 29 books and am very pleased with £xxx turnover
A fantastically busy Saturday in Lymington - after 2 wet weekends & such a sunny day it was really very busy . The difference was certainly noticeable from the Sunday at xxxxxxx - & shows what a difference it makes with George & Carl outside on Saturday . Thank you for all your hard work 


Thame Town Hall 4th November

I wanted to say thanks to the staff who helped us at the event especially as I arrived later than planned as had to negotiate some flooding on the A40. The gentlemen who helped me with my boxes was so kind!
This is my first event with Mynt and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I didn’t quite make £xxx, but for me, I am still pleased with this number, as just getting my name and business cards out there is important to me as so early on in my business journey.  It’s always lovely to get positive and constructive feedback too. So overall a fab day and looking forward to the events I’ve already booked onto next year. 


Godalming 4th November 2023

We just wanted to say a big thank you to the Mynt guys (can never remember names) plus after the initial shock of Slade and 'merry Christmas!!!!! 'The music was fantastic!

We did well, achieving a tad more than we had at the other 2 Godalming events.



Newbury 4th Novenber 2023


I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for inviting me to be a part of such an amazing event. Despite the heavy rain that persisted throughout the day, it was truly a pleasure to witness the dedication and hard work of your colleagues who braved the elements and attended.

The professionalism and diligence displayed by your team were commendable. It is evident that they are passionate about what they do and are committed to delivering high-quality experiences, regardless of any unforeseen circumstances.

I appreciate the opportunity to interact with such talented individuals during the event. It was inspiring to see their enthusiasm and willingness to go above and beyond for their attendees. Their efforts undoubtedly contributed to making the event a memorable one.



I just want to say thank you to Paul and his team, you did so well at getting the customers in. Whenever I see Paul or George are working I know it'll be a good footfall day as you both work so hard.
Thank you for making it a good day for me :)

Thanks so much for your brilliant efforts yesterday - it was great for Newbury to become such a successful venue. We had a great day!



Although I won’t be continuing at the ‘smaller venues’ next year, I was pleasantly surprised at the potential of Newbury. I think, for up and coming traders, and the more artisan businesses - this place is a very good choice. I spoke to the soap lady and an artist and they had great days. They were delighted with it all.
I think you did brilliantly to get that many people in - so thank you for that..Great work on the footfall. I thought it would be 300-350 given the location and weather warnings(Actual total 697)



Hungerford Town Hall 21st October 2023

Thank you Paul & Sue… My first event not in person but by my family and they had a fab day. Lovely venue and as always you did a sterling job. Crystal Clear had a very good day  KH


Thanks... for all your hard work making it a successful event... and especially good to see how nicely you look after everyone!!




Hungerford Town Hall 21st October 2023

Thank you Paul & Sue… My first event not in person but by my family and they had a fab day. Lovely venue and as always you did a sterling job. Crystal Clear had a very good day  KH


Thanks... for all your hard work making it a successful event... and especially good to see how nicely you look after everyone!!





Romsey 14th October 2023

Hi Paul and George.

Just to say thank you and Peter for your hard work yesterday getting people into the venue and for helping with the lifting and shifting especially with the lift out of action!  It was a really busy day.  Well, I had record sales and hit the £xxx mark right on the nose!!   And, as you said......'you knew I would get there one day'!!!    Thank you to MYNT for all your support, it is very much appreciated, and always shouted about to anyone who will listen!!  

Witney 14th October 2023

We had a great day yesterday, and rather lovely older chap came in and spent £x as he was told to come inside from the Mynt guys!



Lyndhurst October 7th 2023

Many thanks again to you and Sue for yesterday - despite the quiet morning it turned into our most successful day following the higher afternoon footfall. Your hard work and cheerful support is always much appreciated.



Godalming September 30th

just wanted to thank George and Hollie for Saturday's craft and gift market in Godalming.

It was my first time selling at one of your events and I felt it was really well organised and they both seemed friendly and approachable.
It was also an added bonus to have tea and coffee throughout the day!
The team did well on Saturday to bring in flurries of people on quite a quiet day. Eventually I took more than I expected


Abingdon  September 30th 2023

Hello Paul and Sue. Thank you so much for all your hard work today.  Only my second time in Abingdon and still a lovely venue. It was nice to meet a new seller too, xxx, and I really enjoyed chatting to her.  I estimated I had sold  about £xxx, but adding up the figures it is actually £xxx exactly. Better than I thought, especially as there is nothing on my table over £9!


Thank you so much for yesterday Paul. It was a lovely event despite my own vehicle challenges. I was pleased with my takings, and number of mailing list sign ups,Thank you for being so supportive and attracting other caring, helpful stall holders to your events too!



Devizes Ceres Hall September 30th 2023

Just wanted to say my first craft market today at Devizes Corn exchange was fabulous. I loved every minute, made some great craft friends and can’t wait to do another.


Your staff have been so helpful on both fayres we have been to and it is ran really well thanks 



Hungerford 23rd September 2023

friendly event as usual, with a bit of hard selling I took £xxx so quite happy with that. Try and book up with you a bit earlier next year !
with kind regards,


Chichester 23rd September 2023

A brilliant event with a great footfall and I also notice people were quite well prepared for what they stood to see. The people outside must have done a great job in describing some of the stalls and items. It makes a big difference.

Huge thank you for such a great event and keep up the good work! Chichester is a brilliant venue and I can’t wait for the next one!



Marlborough 23rd September

t has been some time since I traded at a Mynt Image Art Fair. I was at one in Marlborough yesterday and was quickly reminded of what a well organised team you are. So I just wanted to take a minute to thank you all for the great job that you do for us traders - it is very much appreciated.

Sincere thanks ....CC

Wonderful Fair in Marlborough today!

Dave had the Cuban dance music going - a little shimmy or two with Prudence by his side!

Lovely customers and conversations ... thank you Dave and Steve for your hard work - Team Mynt!




Witney 16th September 2023

Another good weekend with you guys - thanks for helping at the end .. record home time!!

Salisbury 16th September
Many thanks to George, Dave and Laura for their help on Saturday. They worked so hard all day bringing in customers from the moment we opened right up to closing. It was certainly a busy day!



Newbury 9th September

Well, I don't know how you all managed in yesterday's heat ... at least we stallholders had shade!

Dave did a sterling job in Newbury ...  It was quiet but thankfully - and against all the odds it seemed - I did go just over £xxx. and it's like my husband said on our journey home that under the temperature and conditions he would've been pleased. Despite the drop in footfall we stallholders enjoyed each other's company - and were very grateful to Dave.

I should think that after shopping in the morning most folk were glad to get home and sit in the shade with a cold beer!

Please pass on my thanks once again to Dave, and thank you for getting me a stand at the event.



Please add my thanks to Dave and Julie for doing a good job in very hot circumstances!


I know it was a hot day yesterday, thanks to Dave for his hard work. It can't have been pleasant being outside in the full sun all day.



Lymington 9th September

Many thanks. to Sue and Carl yesterday for working in that ridiculous heatwave!   They did really well, I bet Sue was exhausted when she got home.  best wishes



Dear Paul, a Big Thank you to Sue and Karl, they were great as usual, but in that heat they deserved a large tub of ice cream each! It was appreciated.

Very kind regards,



I am still astounded to have done so well on Saturday, that is the best I have done, so far. Perhaps it was Karl and Sue bringing in the right customers!  Please thank Karl and Sue for their hard work they put in especially in the heat, also their visits to the tables to check everyone was alright.  I was pleasantly surprised how many people came in in the morning. 




Thame 9th September

Just wanted to take my virtual hat off to you and your sister for working in the gruelling and relentless heat today.  You must both  be totally expunged of all bodily fluids.  Thank you  for all your endeavours.  My sales were less than I had hoped but if I was a local I don’t think I could have been bothered to browse a craft fair if I didn’t have to!


Finally, just a big thank you again to Paul and his team for their efforts at Thame Town Hall yesterday in the heat! It was very challenging, but they worked very hard to make sure we were kept cool and the customers kept arriving!
Just wanted to thank you and your lovely sister for being outside in 30plus degrees!
Just to say thanks so much for you hard work and enthusiasm last weekend. Especially in the sweltering heats, you still kept a smile on and brought people in. GB


New Forest Weekend 25-27th August 2023 I had a great 3 days in Lymington & Lyndhurst - Lyndhurst best of the three - with a few customers returning to buy more !!  Happy days indeed - Thanks to you all - I know the difference it makes to have cheery people out on the street ‘ encouraging ‘ people in (including the classic in August “ 131 days to Christmas “ !!)  Great  weekend, great company with other crafters & great customers supporting us small businesses . Thank you 



Devizes 19th August 2023

Just a quick note to say thank you to Dave and Steve for their hard work at Devizes today. It was a difficult day competing with the fair outside and they did a great job getting people through the door when there weren’t actually all that many people around. Please pass on our thanks for making a tricky day relatively successful for us.



I’d like to forward my thanks to Dave and Steve for their sterling efforts to encourage visitors into the hall.  They worked tirelessly in difficult circumstances and it was much appreciated. It’s a shame that we did not get the usual visitors attending.  I was lucky enough to have decent sales on the day and am certainly not discouraged from booking further events at Devizes.
Lewes 19th August 2023
Hello, I just wanted to send over a quick email to reiterate my thanks for having me at the event on Saturday (19th August) in Lewes. It was only my second event to have a table at, but everything was so well organised and had exactly the friendly community feel I was hoping to find between the businesses as we all got to chat and help each other. I made hopefully lasting connections with people and we discussed possible collaborations and new ideas for each of us.
I have set a reminder and will definitely be booking in for more events with you in 2024 if I am able.
I did the Lewes town hall event with you this Saturday 19th. I enjoyed the day & did ok takings wise too, so thanks for your hard work!


Henley 19th August 2023

Thank you to George and the ladies yesterday.
I definitely did better being in a different position to last time though no idea why !




Salisbury 12th August 2023

Can you pass on my thanks to George (especially) and Karl for their help yesterday at Salisbury. I'd had a bad fall in Marlborough before we left for the Fair and George was so kind helping Ronnie to get my merchandise from New Canal over to the Hall ... then checking in for a chat and to make sure I'd taken paracetamol during the day!

You really are all brilliant and we are fortunate to have such a super team look after us.

Thank you!



Thank you for a good day today at Salisbury. It’s a favourite of mine, and is always consistent for my small craft textile business.




Guildford 5th August 2023

I just wanted to email to give a big "shout out" to both Dave and Carol today. Not only are they absolutely lovely, caring people and a complete joy to work with, they were so helpful and brought a great positive energy to what was a difficult day for most. They worked so hard outside, battling the weather (as you all always tirelessly do!) and so I just wanted to email with something positive and very genuinely appreciative.
Wishing you a lovely week
Milford on Sea 5th August
Thanking you and Sue for braving the elements and making the most of what was initially a dismal start, to say the least. Your efforts on everyone’s behalf doesn’t go unnoticed. 


Chichester 29th July

just a quick email to say Thankyou for all your support rounding up the customers yesterday in Chichester yesterday . We had a great day and looking forward to the next few we’re booked on . 



Abingdon 22nd July

Paul, Sue and Julie - thank you so much again for your perseverance today. It was just an awful day but we still managed fair sales. And we stallholders at Abingdon have noted the day in our diary - 22 July 2023 is the day that Paul told us to pack up before 4…..???



Paul and Sue

Thank you so much for yesterday - you really were amazing and it is much appreciated.  Getting 349 in really was a great result because of the weather. 
Lymington July 22nd
Lymington was a positive day with great footfall given that is was a rainy day.
I would just like to thanknGeorge and Karl for all their hard work on Saturday,mit was appalling weather for them but the did it cheerfully, and I personally had a good day, so thanks again boys!


Salisbury 15th July

Just wanted to say a massive ‘Thank You’ for a fabulous trading day at Salisbury Guildhall. Crystal Clear Krafts had their highest sales to date and look forward to doing it all again next month… You guys are the best ⭐️



Guys, brilliant job today. Footfall was excellent and majority of people seemed to know exactly what to expect and happy to have a proper look - and they were spending money!
I did really well - took some of my best figures yet and got a lot of interest in products with people very keen to look at my website and ask me when I’m next in town. Huge momentum starting!


Lewes 8th July

Thank you Paul and Sue for all your hard work you put into the event on Saturday.



I'm writing to say thank you for such a  brilliant event at Lewes. I had a great day and I really appreciated the hard work you put in supporting us. I made over £xxx, covered my costs and with enough left over to buy a batch of clay!  It was lovely to meet the other stallholders and I learned a lot from them.  I'm really looking forward to the next event. See you in August!



Lyndhurst 8th July 2023

Just wanted to thank Keith and Rowan for their hard work on Saturday Sorry about my late customer holding me back till well after closing, but at least they bought!!Looking forward to Chichester. Jacky


Marlborough 8th July 2023

Huge thanks to Dave and Steve for persevering in the rain at Marlborough today. The people they got in were spending and we had a good day ?



I think the Marlborough event was excellent and very well run with a lovely atmosphere, so huge thanks to all involved!



Really enjoyed the fair at the weekend. Brilliantly run!




Romsey 1st July

Just a thank you for yesterdays event.   Apparently it was a low turnout but....I had the best event for over a year.  Me!




Hungerford 24th June

I had a super time at Hungerford last week next to a smashing young couple. Despite the fact the Town was quieter than normal (George and Reece worked their socks off) we had a lot of fun with the other two stallholders as well.

Everyone is so pleasant - we all have a good chat once set up - I've made many very nice new friends with good old Mynt!!



Lyndhurst 18th June

Thank you to you and Keith for all you did to get people through the door yesterday. Once we cashed up, we discovered we had a better day than we thought, Keith did a great job with managing the parking – a mean feat to say the least!



Good event and you guys did brilliantly to get people in.

I did just under £xxx and some good enquiries that may develop into sales. Also learned a lot from listening to a few others and watching customer behaviours. The standing outside or by the side of the stall is 100% the way to go and also trying to be more natural in chatting rather than generic.



Thanks for a great craft fair today at Lyndhurst - fab numbers coming through all day & I was so impressed at ( despite a very busy car park)  - getting in & out was handled with good humour & efficiency by you & Keith - thank you



Chichester June 10th

Just a quick e mail to thank you and Keith for organising yesterday and running the day for us. We really appreciate it, especially on what was a really hot day.



you guys again did a superb job thanks! 

It was great that so may people commented on your efforts to get them into the event so thanks again. 




Thank you to you both for your hard work yesterday. Being out in the heat and still managing to attract a decent number of customer into the venue.
It's been a great experience and we look forward to working with you again in the future.




Guildford June 3rd

We had a great day at Guildford yesterday, please thank George for all his hard work getting people in.. We took well over £xxx yesterday, with very positive feedback from the customers, many of whom asked when we would be back. As we relaunch the business this is very important to us, also as we build our website and social media presence. Thank you again for squeezing us in, looking forward to Salisbury next weekend



Just a note to pass on my appreciation for the help of Mynt staff at the Guildford event yesterday.  George was awesome as usual helping me with unloading my car!



Thame  June 3rd

Thank you so much for your hard work today- always with a smile and positivity. I have just added up my sales- £xxx- a bit more than I thought!  It was quiet today but I met some lovely customers and new stall holders.



Guildford Sunday May 28th

Thank you for today. Event was well planned and executed as usual! Only thing is, I’d purchased some food from one of the stalls and it disappeared???? I think someone binned my dinner!!!!



It was a good day on Sunday and upstairs although quieter had a lovely atmosphere with the sellers. Thanks for all your hard work getting customers in.



Abingdon May 27th

Thankyou for all your hard work and positive energy?



Devizes May 27th

I had a very successful event, thank you!  As usual, very well managed and organised with extremely helpful event staff (including an adorable canine assistant ?)


Cranleigh May 27th

Hey….just a quick email to say thank you so so much for a great event at Cranleigh yesterday.It was so well organised and very professionally run and I look forward to joining you again in November.

With thanks again and kindest regards



Witney May 20th

Thanks for your efforts yesterday getting visitors through the door and for organising a great event. I hope you didn't get too sunburnt! See you again in November,



Milford on Sea  Saturday May 13th

It was lovely to meet you and Sue on Saturday. We had a good day and enjoyed the experience. Thank you for all your hard work getting people into the event. We are very much looking forward to seeing you at the future events



Abingdon Sunday 7th May

Just a quick note to thank you both for your hard work yesterday. I imagine it was all a bit stressful for you both setting us all up in different rooms and ironing out the problems. Thanks for working so hard for us and getting so many people into the event. And for stopping people coming in when it was crowded!
We hope you have a peaceful and relaxing Bank Holiday Monday - you deserve it!
Many thanks for all the hard work you and Sue did yesterday. You certainly brought the crowds in! You also looked after us all, and the day was very well managed.
Many thanks for all your hard work, it wouldn't happen without you all, it's not surprising spend was lower as most had come out for the activities rather than shopping but the footfall was amazing, I was busy non stop and the customers just kept coming, If you get footfall you get sales as many did, well done guys :)
Ocean Spa Therapy



Hungerford 29th April

I took £xxx which I was happy with, all your events are very friendly with a nice atmosphere -will book up some of your shows earlier next year


Chichester 29th April

just to say a quick thank you for Chichester and Salisbury a good weekend,

overall although Sunday was a hard slog.


Salisbury 30th April

Thanks to everyone for all the hard work at Salisbury yesterday. I made just under £xxx by the end of the day,  not too bad. It was all a learning experience for me. ( only my 3rd fayre in total) My work usually sells itself but yesterday I had to work to sell it.


Hi Paul. We had an amazing first ever event, selling walking sticks and other wooden products . Our best seller was bug hotels. We eventually achieved £xxx in sales and had a wonderful time. Everybody was so helpful and supportive. We are looking forward to booking our next event with you. Kind Regards GA



Lyndhurst 23rd April

a huge thank you to you and Sue for all your hard work today.  It was certainly appreciated by all of us as we had a huge flow of punters passing through....and I was very pleased with my own sales!!!   Thank you.

Thank you so much for yesterday, it was a good experience for us and we definitely really enjoyed it. You have taken a great care of us too, which was appreciated.


Devizes 22nd April

Had the opportunity to meet so many interesting people today. Instead of buying the usual for children's and grandchildren's gifts they said it was a pleasure to be able to purchase something hand crafted.



I really enjoyed the event - a great start to the year. Your care and attention to detail as always is truly appreciated and helps to make the day an enjoyable experience.

Best wishes,



Lymington 15th April 2023

It was a really good day. Looking forward to June. I really enjoy doing your craft fayres. Everyone is always so friendly and helpful all the time. 



Lyndhurst Easter Weekend
I just wanted to thank you and your team for a fantastic weekend of trading over Easter. I have no idea how you managed to get the massive number of customers through the doors, but what a hard working lot you are. Harry really enjoyed being made so welcome on the Monday and all the stall holders were very supportive ( his table sold more than ours).
We hope to join you again soon.



Marlborough 1st April 2023
Thank you for a great day at Marlborough! We had a good day taking just under £200. I really appreciated how much hard work and effort you guys went to to get as many through the door as possible.



Henley 25th March 2023
You and sue did a great job getting people in and after a slow start ended the day with 27 books and over £400 in sales so was delighted! 
Romsey 25th March 2023
I just wanted to say a big thank you to you and your staff. Thank you to your amazing staff for drumming up so many people pointing them into the Town Hall. This was our best Craft Fair yet.There was a constant footfall and we met some lovely people complimentating us on our jewellery, which is different very unique styles not seen on the high street. The stall holders were lovely too.
Many thanks again 


Romsey 25th March

Thank you for the platform you have given me as part of the Mynt Image craft fairs- it has been invaluable experience.


I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work and organisation that went into the Romsey craft fayre on Saturday.  I made just under £200 and met some other lovely helpful stallholders and of course I found time to make some purchases myself! I'm now very Glad I took the plunge and booked into several of your events this year.


Thanks for having me yesterday it was great and it’s given me a real boost to carry on trying with my work. 
Lyndhurst Sunday 19th March
It was a great day. I will definitely recommend your events to others and come back again myself soon.
It was good to meet you on Sunday,  we really enjoyed the event and we are looking forward to joining you again over the Easter weekend. I have attended quite a few shows at the hall but ive never known footfall like we had on Sunday,  you definitely work hard for the stallholders.


Newbury 18th March 2023
Thank you so much for your efforts yesterday - it was a new venue and a horribly wet morning, but you got the people in. We did better than expected so were really pleased. We also had quite a number of people asking us when we would be back, which was encouraging.


Witney 18th March 2023
Just wanted to say thanks very much. We had a great time on Saturday, and learned a few tips for next time. George was very helpful. We were very pleased with our stall placement - it was perfect.
Lymington 11th March 2023
Many thanks’ chaps for your hard work on the day. Was a great success. Will be booking in again for sure ?
Thank you for a warm welcome and for all the help.
A very well run event and a great team ensuring everything ran smoothly.




Dear Mynt Team I am not surprised that you are receiving lots of enquiries from new craft people ! No other events company ( in my opinion ) offers such good back up to running a stall at events - feedback on your website / monthly zoom meetings / constant innovation to improve - long may it continue - thank you all for your hard work & here’s to a great 2023 LL

Just wanted to say a massive ‘thank you’ to everyone at Mynt Image for their support and hard word this year. Your relentless persuasion to get the numbers through the door is unprecedented and so appreciated



Can I take this opportunity to say a huge "Thank You" for all the hard work you and the team do during the year.  It is very much appreciated. 



Witney 17th December
I loved the venue, it was warmer than the corn exchange and it looked lovely once everyone had set up.  I was really pleased with my sales too as it’s very late for FP.  All In all it was a lovely day. I Do hope you and sue can have a well earned rest and quality time together. Many thanks to you all for such great events throughout the year.

Thame 17th December

Thank you for all your help last weekend (17th December) at Thame Town Hall. Paul and your sister worked so hard in the cold conditions to make such a great event.
Guildford 16th December
Good morning.  I hope that you are well and having a good rest after all of your efforts yesterday. I just wanted to say that it was lovely to finally meet you in person and to say a big thank to you for all of your help and dedication.

I hope that the remaining markets on your schedules go well and that you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!





Lymington 10th December
I would like to give special thanks to Keith and Peter, who worked so hard in horrible cold weather, it was appreciated.
Thank you and Sue for all the help you have given me over many years and George too, it has been a real pleasure to work with you all.
Henley 10th December
We completed our final sale of the year at Henley yesterday. Big thanks to George and Reece for your help - we had another great day with lots of sales. We really appreciate you being out there - it was crazy cold but you still got lots of people through the door, and they bought! And a HUGE thank you to all the team for your effort and support this year. It has been great to be “back to normal”, and we have had some amazing days with best-ever sales. Have a fab Christmas all, and very best wishes for 2023. Really looking forward to seeing you in March


3rd December Trowbridge

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a wonderful fair...I was indeed 1 of the holders who took more than 300...I actually managed almost £400. ...so thank you again and merry Christmas to all involved.



3rd December Hungerford

t was a great day although very slow to start with.

I was very happy with  £.... as my expectations are slightly lower during December!It was lovely to have Reece help me unload and it must of been a long day for both of them standing outside in the very cold temperature!
Many thanks again 


26th November Lymington

can I also add that your good lady and Peter worked tirelessly for us and as always Sue had a smile on her face all the time ?



26th November Marlborough

I just wanted to say a big thank you for making me so welcome and helping so much with the carrying! I’ve ordered a new trolley for next weekend! I’ve learnt a lot already and know what changes I need to make for next week. I really look forward to all my other fairs next year



26th November Witney

A big thank you to George and his helper today. They did a great job bringing in a steady stream of visitors and I was so relieved the weather was kind to them too. A lovely atmosphere in the hall today.  I was very happy with sales- Thank you as always for all your hard work.



25th November Salisbury

well done for such a great event on Friday in Salisbury. It was a well-run event and an absolute pleasure to be a part of! I was delighted with the results, certainly a lot to learn from and the next fairs I do will be better, 100%!

You did well to get so many people in … a lot of craft fairs I’ve seen in my time are very flat and there’s not much in the way of drumming business up. 




19th November


Romsey was great for me.  Fantastic sales..  George and Reece were amazing with their help.  I had another empty crate....this is getting to be a habit...but perhaps only at your events due to hard work of you all..Thank you Paul.  Best wishes,



Thank you for a fab day of trading, you’re both stars ? 




12th November

Thanks for your support. All the crafters really appreciate it. I have also learnt so much from you/the other crafters since I started with you.



5th November

Hungerford Hi Paul and the fabulous Mynt Image team, a huge thank you to George and Dave for all their hard work getting people through the doors at Hungerford on Saturday.

I had a fabulous day, good sales, lots of new leads made. Love Hungerford! 
Can’t wait to see what next years brings along with the New Newbury venue too. 
One more Hungerford market to go…can’t wait. 
Thank You again you guys rock. 


Lyndhurst -The leaders did very well in the bad weather and I would like to thank them both for helping me with my boxes. I am fortunate that in the last hour yesterday I sold more than I did all day.



I would like to thank Keith and Peter for all their hard work on Saturday in the most appalling conditions, it was much appreciated, and despite it all I had my best day of the year!……….so many thanks.




Thank you so much for all your hard work today.  What a fabulous venue.  The footfall was amazing and I met such lovely stall holders and very friendly customers.  I will have to pace  myself otherwise I will run out of stock!




29th October 2022

I wanted to thank you for finding a space for me yesterday, thank you so much.  I thought it was a great event with lots of buzz about the day.  I was absolutely delighted that I sold one full crate of candles!.  That is a very good event for me, so thank you again.



22nd October Hungerford

Thanks again to George and Reece for their unwavering hard work on getting customers through the door. 

I had a great day with sales just under £200 but again that’s just a bonus as made lots of new contacts and possibly new future customers. 
22nd October Henley
Hi Paul,
We are so glad we found you and have started our market journey with your team.
Thank you for great experiences each time we have joined.



15th October Devizes

I just wanted to drop you a message to say that, as always, we had a great day at Devizes on yesterday and to thank you for putting on yet another fantastic event - we'll absolutely be coming back to the area!

8th October 2022


*  Thank you for today - we still cannot believe our luck, but we couldn’t have sold anything without you getting the folks in.
*  Thank you for everything you do to bring customers in - all the customer were absolutely lovely, really interested in my products. I had lots of lovely chats!
Just a quick note to pass on my thanks to George and Reece for todays fair at Wokingham. This is officially the best result I have ever had at any of the Mynt venues I have attended over the years.



1st October 2022


George and Molly were great, couldn't fault them. They were so helpful with loading and unloading.



24th September 2022



I thoroughly enjoyed this event, and did better than I expected.
The public were all very friendly and, possibly because of the lower footfall than at other events, took the opportunity to look round thoroughly.
Just wanted to say Thank you to George and Reece for their help on Saturday I really appreciate they're help carrying some of my stuff up and down the stairs for me. I had a lovely day for My first event and made some good sales.


10th September

..... and thank you for the lovely and respectful way you 'directed' last Saturday's Devizes Fair. It was very much appreciated.June Pearson MBE


3rd September Milford on Sea

Hi Paul, Really good to see you and Sue last Saturday, what a brilliant day we had.,  thank you. 


27th August  Lymington

Thanks for a great weekend, we had a very fruitful time, particular on the friday. A great job done by Sue and yourself, encouraging people to step through the gates. We also found the spirit amongst stallholders was brilliant, and supportative!








'Hi Jonathan, 
We have just returned from the fair at Lyndhurst and wanted you to know we have had the best day of any shows this year. Sales went through the roof and I think a lot of that was due to the hard work of George and Keith . They worked tirelessly to get people into the hall, despite the humid weather . Can we just say a very big thank you to all of you at Mynt.
G and S
Thank you to George and Keith for an excellent event.  There was a steady flow of people the whole day and they were spending well.  I had my most successful event in a very long time.
Just wanted to say thank you to Paul and Sue for their work on Saturday despite the occasional downpour. Also could you please pass on our thanks to the staff of the Town Hall because theyw ere very welcoming and  helpful.

Hi Guys. Just a massive shout out to Paul and Sue who looked after us today. Amazing. Fab venue, lovely people and staff at the Town Hall. Had a lovely day



We just wanted to thank the team at Guildford for working so hard in the crazy weather to attract customers, it wasn’t an easy task at all, well done and much appreciated.



Massive thanks to Paul and Sue for running the craft fair at Thame on Saturday.  The weather in the afternoon was blooming awful, and at one point Paul came into the hall looked very wet indeed.  Huge kudos for staying out there!  It was well rewarded as I, and hopefully others, had a good day!



Also just wanted to feedback that Paul and his partner did a sterling job at Henley last weekend. The weather was terrible but they were out there getting people in and did a fantastic job.



I’ve been able to attend the last couple of markets at Winchester and Lymington. The team did an amazing job on both days getting people in, particularly in Lymington yesterday when the weather was so bad!



Please can you kindly give my thanks to George and the gentleman who was also helping outside in Thame today. They worked their socks off in the foulest of weathers. I really appreciated their endeavours which I am certain helped the footfall. My heart went out to them as they got so cold and very wet.

I sold £333 today which was more than I anticipated so I am very pleased.




Thank you for letting me have a table at Thame today I loved the fair, everyone was so friendly and tea and coffee with biscuits was an added bonus.

Would there be a table available on the 9th November please



Just a note of thanks to George and his helper, despite George,s broken leg he and his friend worked very hard to get the public in, and I much appreciated their time and effort.



We enjoyed our day in Marlborough yesterday; elegant town, delightful venue and – as usual – you guys worked your socks off in various weathers to try to make the event a success. Thank you for your efforts.




The market in Malborough went very well for use last Saturday and I would love to do more Saturdays.




I just wanted to say a quick thank you as Salisbury Craft Fair was such a wonderful event and the staff you have running the day getting people in and making sure the day runs smooth are a huge credit and lovely people. A great day all round, thanks so much for providing such a great platform to sell, can't wait for Guildford in September!



Had a really good day, on Saturday. Will definitely be in touch, at a later date.





Henley 15th April

Hi Sara, Many thanks for your email. Just wanted to let you and the team know how much I enjoyed doing the craft fair in Henley last weekend and really appreciated all the hard work that Paul and his team put into bringing the public into the event, it certainly paid off. Looking forward to my next event with you in Thame on the 13th of May. Kind regards M.H.


Winchester 15th April

Good Afternoon. Saturday was my first Mynt Craft Market that I have attended and I was very impressed! The staff were very friendly and helpful and it seemed very well attended.  I look forward to my next market. Kind regards J.B.


Thame 8th April

Thank you Sara, I also had a good day, hitting nearly £200 with my candles - and I'm always fairly surprised people even look at candles on a beautiful hot sunny day!  Thought the day very well organised, thank you!  See you in September. Best Wishes MA.S.


Thame 18th March

Simon and I would just like to say thank you.  We had a wonderful experience at todays Thame Craft Fair, it's obvious that Mynt Image care about the exhibitors and were very organised, helpful, informative and above all professional.  We will continue to use your services in future. Kind Regards, P.H. & S.E.


January 2017

Hello Sara.  Just to let you know that I will not be doing any fairs this year, G. and me are relocating, so I'm putting my crafting business on hold for a year.  I have really enjoyed being at your superbly organised craft fairs.  Just to turn up, get some help if necessary, and get on selling was hassle free.  I met some really nice people and sold lots of my creations, what more does anybody need?  Please thank the team for their valiant effort in drumming up punters and getting them through the doors.  I do wish you all at Mynt the very best and a great 2017.  With kind regards, G.G.




Winchester 17th December

Hi Sara, That is absolutely fantastic.  I am blown away by how busy is was, even at 3.50pm people were still flooding through the doors.  And yes, for me too I have never sold as much as I did previously in November at your event...Thanks again for all the hard work, time and events you all provide, it is  testament to why your markets are going from strength to strength.  I will book via the website now.  Regards, S.S.


Winchester 17th & Salisbury 18th December

Hello Sara, just a quick thank you for fitting us in to the 5 events at late notice. They were all delightful and we made a profit at all and really good days at the first Henley and this last weekend at Winchester and Salisbury.
Paul made valiant efforts at the 2nd Henley beleagured by horrible weather, few people around and a giant Christmas Tree and lorries blocking the entrance. Amazing that he got in the number he did! 
We briefly met your George on Saturday and he was helpful and pleasant and we did very well , Paul again did his thing at Salisbury and brought in the crowds. His lady was so helpful and good natured as well. We took a bit more at Salisbury but both were good. All the satff go above and beyond. We have learned that now we have cut down to one product ( more or less ) as long as we have a big footfall we have a good day, or, we need to attend child focussed events. We have had such a postive response from the customers at your fairs who are glad to find something unusual and reasonable and for children.
November and December was our first trading as a very much smaller company and we could not be happier than to find Mynt.  I will be sending some booking forms as soon as I organise myself and in the meantime I wish you all a wonderful Christmas. All the best C.H & D.H.


Henley 19th November

Hi, Just wanted to thank you for another hard working Craft and Gift Fair yesterday.  Busy was an understatement, I've never seen soooo many flood through the doors, it was unbelievable!  I would like to book November 2017..... Thanks again, C.R.


Henley 19th November

I would like to say a huge thank you to both Julian and Dan for all their hard work in achieving an amazing footfall today at Henley Town Hall.  The weather was extremely cold and their efforts were very much appreciated.  As this was my last Mynt Image event for 2016 I would like to say how much I have enjoyed exhibiting at both Henley and Thame and look forward to a successful 2017 with Mynt Image events.  I hope it's not too early to wish you all a very Happy Christmas. Best wishes, M.H.


Henley 29th October

I just want to add my thanks to the emails - I had a really good day and appreciate Paul's and Dan's hard work :)



Henley 29th October

Once again a huge thank you to the Henley Team for last Saturday's fair.  Thier hard work in drawing the public into the venue was very much appreciated.  The room looked really good and there was a great mix of quality products.  All stallholders were very friendly.  I had a successful and pleasant day.



Henley 29th October

Thank you for organising yesterdays fair, it was a great success!....



Henley 29th October

Had a fab day at Henley - think all the traders were happy....people came in to buy!!... J.S-T.


Henley 29th October

Really enjoyed the event yesterday.  Thank you for fitting me in.  Paul and his helper did so well getting over 900 customers through the door.  Great steady flow all day. And they were buying.  And I really appreciated the help from Paul's helper at the end....



Cranleigh 24th September

Hi Sara, just to let you know we had a good day at Cranleigh & it looked as though most people did.  The weather was kind to us which helped to bring people in along with George and Hannah who worked hard all day.  The hall had a nice feel to it. Regards, D.G.


Cranleigh 24th September

Hello.  Just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and your team for their hospitality and organisation yesterday.  We had an extremely pleasant & rewarding day.  We look forward to seeing you again at Lymington. Many Thanks, C.W. & F.W.


Cranleigh 24th September

...p.s. this past weekend's event in Cranleigh was great and Hannah was really helpful and friendly and your organisation and information fantastic, thank you.  F.M.


Thame 20th August

Best ever craft fair at Thame today!  Look forward to seeing you at Henley next Saturday, Kind Regards,



Godalming 16th July

Nice show at Thame today George, did well, lovely venue, Paul really works very hard, much appreciated!  Will be in touch, Kind Regards,



Godalming 16th July

Hi Sara, Just a short note to thank Paul for all his hard work on Saturday.  He never stopped all day and I hope he got to sit down in the evening with a nice cool beer (or two!)  Kindest Regards,



Salisbury 9th July

Hello Sara,  The Salisbury market was a good one for us yesterday, please thank your staff who were friendly and helpful and did a great job of getting people into the venue.



Thame 18th June

We had a reasonably successful day at Thame on Saturday and would like to thank the team for all their help and enthusiasm - they work so hard and it is much appreciated.  Also it is such a bonus to have clean facilities.  With Kind Regards,



Thame 18th June

Just a short note to let you know how hard Paul and Abi worked to get the people in today.  Please thank them very much for me.  Also, do you have any spaces left for December please? Kindest Regards,



Thame 18th June

Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into getting people through the door today at the Thame Craft Fair.  It certainly paid off as I made some good sales and really enjoyed the atmosphere, meeting fellow stallholders and chatting to the public.  It's nice to have background music and of course the free tea and coffee was very much appreciated.  I look forward to my next craft fair with you later in the year.  Kind Regards,



Marlborough 11th June

Thanks for the great work of getting people in to both Paul and Daniel!  Amazing for such a quiet weekend.  And it was a quiet weekend.  I did another fair at 'a different location' on Sunday and felt really bad for those organisers and stallholders. I doubt their fair brought in more than 200 people on Sunday....I too made an all time low on that day but remained content because of the good day at Marlborough on Saturday.  Keep up the good work! Many thanks,



Henley 28th May

Could you say a big thankyou to Paul and Daniel for a great successful day.  The footfall was not as good as the previous event but that could be due to many variables, but those who did venture into the hall were enthusiastic towards us all, I had a great day. Kind Regards,



Thame 21st May

Just a short note to thank you all for an extremely well run event on Saturday. Very impressive. Kindest Regards,



Thame 21st May

Enjoyed our first fair at Thame last Saturday and look forward to July for our next one. I thought the organisation of the fair was excellent. Best Regards,



Lymington 7th May

Dear Sara, Thank you all for your hard work....I had a good day, well worth it.
See you soon. Thanks again,



Salisbury 7th May

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to Paul for all his amazing efforts on Saturday. I have attended quite a few Mynt Image markets and Paul is always so enthusiastic and positive, he works so hard to get people in the markets to view our work and I just wanted to say a huge thank you!!



Cranleigh 30th April

Thank you Sara, I enjoyed my day with good interest in my pictures of Dogs & Cats particularly. I've yet to do my follow up emails so will see what comes....but a couple or more commissions should result.  Paul, Hannah were very attentive and it was nice to see George again, I look forward to Godalming in July. Kind Regards,



Cranleigh 30th April

Hi Sara, I was going to email you to say thanks to Paul, Hannah and George for all their hard work but you beat me to it!! I did reasonably well but as you say  a lot if sales in the last hour !!...Thanks again for all your hard work.

Cranleigh 30th April

We had a great time all the stall holders were all truly so accommodating we worked as a team as was Hannah , George and the FANTASTIC Paul , he was fantastic with trying to get the General Public in  great teamwork! 

Thank you for accommodating us !!! Smiles.



Lymington 16th April

Thank you all for your hard work on Saturday, it was much appreciated...I also had a good day, thank your young team for helping me load the car...take care see you in May. Kind regards,



Lymington 16th April

Just to say that I had a good time in Lymington. I took about £135 but mainly in the afternoon. The guys were so good and organised with us, helping us with carrying our stuff from the car and I would like to thank them.



Lymington 16th April

I had been meaning to contact you to say how impressed and grateful we are for the help on Saturday. It was a very cold day inside and out but they did an amazing job in getting people through the door.
This was our 4th market and by far the best in terms of support and organisation. Looking forward to the Winchester event and fingers crossed for us more sales!!

Lymington 16th April

I just wanted to email and say how impressed I was with the organisation and staff on hand from Mynt Image yesterday.  I'm relatively new to craft fayres, having done just two Christmas ones last year - which, comparatively to yesterday, were appallingly organised.  I was also hugely impressed by the number of people your team got through the door, on a bitterly cold day....

Many thanks again - I really was hugely impressed, with all the pre and on the day organisation and you guys made a great effort to get customers to us!

Lymington 16th April

I just wanted to say a massive thank you for today. Your staff were absolutely fantastic and so friendly and helpful. I felt very looked after which was lovely as this was my first ever trade stand and I was a bit nervous!
The venue was perfect and there was plenty of customers about which led to plenty of sales. It was definitely worth my time and I would like to thank you for allowing me to have a stand at your event....I would like to rebook for next month please...



Henley 16th April

I had another good day at Thame on Saturday so I just wanted to thank you all for that. Paul's efforts (even with lack of voice!) at getting customers in were much appreciated, please pass on my thanks...



Henley 9th April

I went to your event in Henley on the 9th which was great!  I'm looking forward to taking part in May...Kindest regards,



Henley 9th April

Just to say that I had an amazing time on Saturday and managed 1 sale at the end with about 5 minutes to go.  My main aim was to get people to look at my artwork and hand my cards out and it was everything that I could hope for...Thanks again for a wonderful day, I met some cracking people and enjoyed it thoroughly.  Kindest Regards,



Henley 9th April

Really enjoyed the event.  And well done you organisers.  He really did well on Saturday for getting so many people in...



Henley 9th April

Well I really had a great day at Henley today.  One of the best takings I have ever taken in such a short time...



Guildford 5th March

Could you let me know if you have any spaces at Guildford remaining for the year, I exhibited on Saturday and thought it was lovely and Paul really worked hard outside getting people in which was really encouraging.  Many thanks,



Guildford 5th March

Thanks for the email Sara, yes it was a great day, I'm sure Paul must have lost his voice...he was BRILLIANT!  Thanks,



Marlborough 12th March

Thank you so much for your efforts on Saturday at Marlborough.  You made the day a pleasant and civilised event with your thoughtfullness and hard work. With kind regards,



Marlborough 12th March

It was my first market with Mynt Image and I was really impressed with the professionalism and was happy to book another event.  Paul and George both did a fantastic job - lack of sales is just one of those things but they really couldn't have done more.



Marlborough 12th March

Really enjoyed the fair and George and Paul putting so much effort into getting people through the door; look forward to seeing you at Thame in April.  With kind regards,





Marlborough 19th December

I have loved the fairs with you this year...and especially Marlborough!  You have all been incredibly friendly and fun to work with. 



Guildford 12th December

Hi.  Can you please pass on my thanks to everyone involved at Guildford on Saturday.  I thought we were in for a quiet day, but as usual, due to the hard work put in by your team, we had our best day for pen sales, since we started.  It looked like the total population of Guildford and its surrounds were ushered in and through the craft fair.  I can now reinvest, buy more pens, up the quality and look forward to next year.  Once again, my thanks and have a good Christmas.  Regards,



Winchester 14th November

Dear George.....if any of your stallholders need extra encouragement I can assure them that your staff are extremely efficient and work very hard to bring customers into the Guildhall.  I had a great event last Saturday, thank you - and thank you to your staff too.....I thanked the two ladies (profusely!) for their help but it is always good to tell  their 'boss' how appreciated they were on the day.  Thanks.



Winchester 26th November 

Winchester yesterday went very well for me.  So thank you for all your efforts with getting customers into the Guildhall.  Also the work experience crew were very helpful.



Lymington October 10th

Hi, I have just returned from the Lymington Craft sale and it was a great success. I am hoping there is a table free for your next sale at Lymington in December...... I would like to say how well advertised the event was and how well run, with the people who were in charge being very helpful.



Lymington October 10th

Just to thank George and his colleague for doing a good job today. A big well done and thank you to them both for ushering so many people through the doors. It was my first craft Fayre in Lymington with Mynt Image and will definitely be booking some more. Thank you.



Godalming September 26th 

Dear George and Paul, Godalming on Saturday was my first time exhibiting at one of your fairs.  I would just like to mention how impressed I was with the energy and enthusiasm of the two young men outside attracting the customers.  A few times I had to dash out for something and always saw them very energetically and happily moving the boards about and engaging members of the public to come on in.  Well done to them!  This was my first one day event (me and my product are new to this) and it was a very good day sales wise.  Look forward to more of your events in the future.



Henley August 8th

Just a few lines to say how much I enjoyed the Henley Town Hall event yesterday. I was impressed with the smooth professional approach Mynt has to customers and stallholders alike, especially as I have attended some very badly run events in the past. Well done!!



Salisbury July 4th

I would also like to say a big thank you to the two girls who worked for you on Saturday.  They really worked very hard on what I know was a very quiet day in the City...So - thank you girls. You did us Proud.  Best Wishes, MA.


Swindon May 30th

I did enjoy my first event with Mynt in Swindon on Saturday.  Although it started off slowly, it picked up well in the afternoon for me and I went home a happy bunny.  I really appreciated the effort Paul and Julian put in getting customers through the door, as well as the care and concern they showed to us stallholders and the help with packing up.  There was a lovely friendly atmosphere amongst the stallholders which all helped to make the experience enjoyable as well as financially worthwhile.

So – on the strength of that I would like to book for June 20th and August 29th at Swindon assuming there are still spaces available.  Looking forward to the next event and hopefully becoming a ‘regular’!


Ahead of Winchester March 28th

I just wanted to say thank you for such a great start to the 2015 season! As always, I truly appreciate the fantastic efforts you go to to create successful events. Looking forward to Winchester on Saturday! With Best wishes to you all, NM


Marlborough March 7th

Thanks for making my first ever craft fair experience so welcoming. I seemed to do fairly well and sold 16 pieces and easily covered costs - really exciting to actually sell what you have made! Now I've got to make some more before I can go to another fair :-)

Thanks again


As ever, it's been a complete pleasure working with you guys again this year and I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year. 
Look forward to working with you all next year. - regular stallholder.
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Mynt Image Ltd

5 Marigold Close


PO15 5HF


VAT Number 444 4903 90

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or enqueries, please contact us:

07522 523519


Office hours;

Sunday 10am - 2pm

Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm

Friday 9am - 4pm

